Nothing but hot wind and flies

Today's walk started in Praia de Mira with destination Praia da Tocha. We had several options:
- along the ocean in the wet sand, barefooted - 15 km
- along an isolated forest road - 18 km
- along the national road - 25 km
- to Mira - take the bus to Tocha - walk to Praia da Toche - 15 km

I evaluated the input given by 
... a waitress: the trucks on the national road are dangerous
... the hostel's neighbours: she: there might be fires in the woods, I would walk on the beach, it's a good massage for the feet; he: I wouldn't take the beach option, they will only meet some fisherman but will be by themselves in case anything is wrong
... a hostel guest: it is very hot tomorrow,  are you sure you want to walk?

In the end, we decided to take the isolated forest route,  bought plenty of water, some fruit and snacks and started walking.

The first 3.5 km were more or less bearable, despite the heat and slight hint of smoke in the air, caused by the ongoing wild fires. But then we entered the abandoned forest road.

A road as straight as can be, not a single tall tree, only underbrush, not a bit o shade, no place to sit and rest, hot wind that felt like some 35°C and annoying flies trying to feast on our sweaty skin. It was obvious that this would be a challenging walk with the highest priority to stay hydrated... 

...unless you decide to hitchhike :)...

The second attempt was already successful: a military patrol checking the fire situation. They let us hop on the dusty  back of the jeep, gave us a ride and were probably not aware of how happy they made us.
