It's just a box

While volunteering in Faro, I decided to join a gym to at least try to get in shape a little and simply do something good for my body. After comparing my options, I signed up at the Judo Clube do Algarve. And what a perfect decision that was! Walking distance,  good quality-price-ratio, big variety of classes,  super trainers who are very attentive and motivating, ...

Today we did circuit training which at first sight nobody seems to like. A good variety of exercises, different equipment, ...  The worst for me was not the hardest (being those black long ropes that you have to keep moving), no, it was a simple black box! All I had to do was jump on it with both feet at the same time. Simple, right? But ask my stupid brain! It said: no, too high, can't do, will break my feet, I even said it out loud to the trainer next to me: "acho que não posso"... It took three or four attempts until I told my brain to just shut up... I took a deep breath and jumped!

Even though the last seconds were just stepping up and down the box due to lack of power, I managed to jump up all the time throughout round two and three of the training. 
And then the endorphins seemed to spill... I was so happy, proud and tired at the same time that I wanted to cry. What a strange but excellent feeling.  Or as Claudio would say: "espectáculo!"