Part of the conversation got me thinking:
He seemed to be at a similar point in life like I was two years ago. He could feel the urge to make some changes in life, but his brain had so many doubts. Among them, the question of what might other people think.
Isn't it strange, that we only ask ourselves this question with things we are not quite sure about.
This guy, supposedly in his mid forties, was wearing his hair up in a bun. I thought it looked good on him and obviously he was confident wearing his hair like this. And for those, reading this post a few years down the road, I might have to say that this hair style is kind of "hip" these days. Anyway, I thought: why is he not doubting his hair style, why isn't he wondering what other people might think of his look, wearing his hair like a girl or a sumo wrestler? Well, it has to be for being confident and feeling good, right? What else could it be?!
So here is to being more confident! To doubting less! To realizing that we don't have to please others. Because at the end of the day, it will only be up to you yourself to decide what was right for you.