I am inspired!
Sitting in the common room having breakfast, I notice the people surrounding me:
.a guy, sipping his first coffee with tired eyes, tapping away on his tablet.
. An elderly man, busy working on his notebook.
.a young girl on her yoga mat, following what seemed to be a smooth routine.
.the girl I had dinner with last night (who estimated my age to be 34😊, thanks Silja😉) who is a content writer working from her mobile office who was looking into accommodation for the next days.
...and then myself, the not quite 34 year-old girl having a good old German breakfast on her day off before the volunteering begins.
Giving the yoga girl my congrats on her strong will to do something good for her body (even if it is in the common area), she clearly gave back the appreciation to me for admiring her.
If all human kind interactions were of such quality, the world would be a much better place!