My last blog was published quite a while ago, so here is a little review of what's been happening...
I returned home from Bulgaria on December 6, 2020, spent the Christmas season at home and tried to get another volunteering placement in January. However, it was the time when some covid mutations appeared and people seemed even more confused, reluctant and insecure. Many countries still didn't allow tourists to enter and jobs in the hotel industry were scarce. So out of 7 applications I only received two replies, were offered one job which didn't suit I seemed stranded at home.
It only made sense to check out the German job market... and the unemployment center definitely supported that thought 🙈.
Within 2 weeks I had two interviews, a trial afternoon as well as a job offer for a project management job in the technical service department of my previous employer. I slept on it for two nights and decided to go for the project work.
Since March 15th the term "work life balance" has reached a whole new level.
I work part time, on a temporary contract and mainly from home. What a great combination. Love the project, love the instant free time after work.
This year, the Easter bunny brought a special surprise in the form of a 3-week-old kitten. It was stuck in tubes that were delivered to my brother's work site. After two days of distant meowing it was rescued and I fell in love the moment I saw a picture of the little furry critter.
Sleepless nights of feeding were well worth it. I've been wanting a cat for quite a while and I guess destiny helped me make that final decision.
As I couldn't tell its gender, I googled for gender neutral names. While scrolling down a list, little kitty stepped on the display and marked a name with a "favourites ❤": Muffin. He has quickly become part of the household, learning to walk, climb trees, understanding that jumping on the table is a no go, making friends with the neighbour's cat "grumpy" and roaming the hood.
Enough review - time to live in the present and to finally travel again. We are on our way to Denmark, which will be number 55 on the list of countries visited 😄.