Off to explore Bulgaria

As of today, there is a soft lock down in place in Bulgaria. That includes closure of schools, so that there isn't really a lot to do for us volunteers. So I decided to go and explore Bulgaria for a week.
The three weeks at Pateki School were really good - mostly cold - but good. I wish I could have joined more indoor classes, but oh well, in the end my two favourite kids, Elia and Stoyan, appointed themselves to be Edgar's and my Bulgarian teachers, to teach us the most important phrases.
Driving from Sofia to Weliko Tarnovo, I listened to the top 10 charts on N-Joy radio, and I knew so, because the kids taught me the numbers up to ten as well. 

I knew the school was located in one of the nicer neighbourhoods of Sofia, near some embassies and consulates. Parked in the back yard, there was a Bentley and Aston Martin. On the contrary, when I left the airport towards the freeway, a horse with carriage crossed the road. And once I had left the capital behind me, I realized that there are vast unpopulated areas in this country. The only signs of population were some farmers selling onions and potatoes on the side of the road, next to their cars.

Just one quick detour on a rough road to see the Hotnitsa Waterfall and I continued to my accommodation for the night where a proper bed in a warm apartment for 33 Lew awaited me.