Among my "things to remeber" are not only good moments.
Last Sunday, I had the stupid migraine 😤😖. It started when I was looking at running shoes at an Asics Store. Is the universe trying to tell me something? 😉
And last night, I started having a headache and muscle pain. Seems like I've picked up a (hopefully) little bug.
It's never a good time to be sick but even worse when it is during this period of corona, living at a school, sharing a room.
But to me it is the worst when you are sick and not in your comfort zone at home: With your own comfortable bed, a cosy warm blanket, the level of cleanliness you need to feel ok and not worse than you already do.
I am not a big fan of medicine, but when the worn out mattress is making your muscle pain worse and you don't know how to find a comfortable position to get the rest you need, it is time for some ibuprofen to do the magic...