I thought the meow came from up the tree, but a second later this little cutie came running towards me from the forest.
It seemed a bit thin but well groomed and it did not even need to take a sniff of me but wanted to be petted and held right away. It was instant love😍.
It seemed a bit thin but well groomed and it did not even need to take a sniff of me but wanted to be petted and held right away. It was instant love😍.
There was no mother cat in sight and the nearest house some hundred meters away. After some cudling and rubbing its belly, I put her back on the ground and we continued our way, waiting for its reaction.
When it followed us running, I went back and decided to carry it to the nearby house. Sitting on my arm purring, I would have loved to keep it and take it home 🤗.
Nobody was around the house but a cat and a dog sitting outside so I put it down, hoping it will make new friends and find a new home there.