
The motto couldn't say it any better. Hundreds of travellers saw themselves forced to resign and surrender. And yes, so did I.

After 4 days of debating and evaluating my options, I decided to book a flight back home. Qatar was my only option, all other airlines were either grounded or their hubs wouldn't allow me to transit through their country.

The stories of the travellers surrounding me were all the same: people returning home involuntarily, ending their journeys sooner than planned. Even though everyone seemed sad and also tired from their previous attempts to make their trips work as long as possible, the mood was relaxed. 

After all, this is a higher force and yes, we are all in this together.

So this is how it went ...
... I booked the flight only 60 hours prior to departure
... it was great to see Vera and her family again, saying goodbye however was a sad thing to do
... having a take away burger on marked benches at Melbourne airport was weird
... the nearly deserted Doha airport was almost surreal. The departure board showed only 15 flights for the day
So now, I will be home adhering to a 14 day quarantine. I guess I never had that much time to unpack, wash my clothes, sort pictures and sleep off my jet lag 🤷‍♀️.

Fingers crossed that I didn't catch the virus on the return trip. 🤞

When, where or how will my journey continue? I have no idea! Watch this space...