
Yes, this is my personal blog, so it is obvious that my posts contain private information. I decided to use this blog as a way to remeber things that are important in life. 

Having said that, today's post is about the fact that my grandmother passed away.

It is sad but a relief at the same time. She had been suffering of severe dementia/Alzheimer's for many years and in my opinion, the recent months if not years were not worth living.

I grew up living next to my grandparent's house and I spent a lot of time there. It was a great place to spend childhood as there was lots of space on their little farm for adventurous days. Whether it was climbing up the barn, visiting the sheep or rabbits, splashing around at the fountain, eating "datschkuchen" when they still baked their own bread, grabbing home-grown apples or potatoes from the cellar, ... 
Not may children get to grow up so freely and in such a pure environment these days. 

Every once in a while, my grandma made "striwele". Even hours after cooking I would recognize the smell when entering  the kitchen and I knew where to find some leftovers which were a delight even when already cooled off. 
Her "greasy" marble cake was another highlight, horrible as it may sound. 

I have so many vivid memories: the green bag she used for her shopping, playing cards together, her snoring when I had a sleep over when I was little.

On the other hand, the older I got, the more demanding she became. Countless Saturdays her first question was, whether I had taken care of the household. Whenever a bicycle or moped was parked in front of the house, she wanted to know who's it was. Springtime was there to wash all curtains in the house.
She was not quite keen on the fact that I did not like meat when I was a teenager. Luckily, her solution to this problem was sellerie schnitzel!

In hindsight, I am certain that she had no bad intentions. After all, it was all about how she was raised.

Before I left to go travelling, I visited her again, telling her about my plans. And to be honest, I suggested her to consider that we should make this our last get-together. Maybe, somewhere deep inside she did listen to me.

To finish this post, I would like to recite the good night prayer that my grandmother used to tell me when I slept at her place.  May she rest peacefully.