Let time stand still

I have traveled quite a bit in my life. But there were only few journeys, when I really did not want to go back home. I don't mean the regular "too bad the holidays are over", because I do think that all the time 😃. No, I am talking about moments when I had to leave new friends and I knew that those past days or weeks will forever be in my heart. Here are those moments:

Canada 1996
I spent one of the greatest summers of all times. I was 15 years old and my Mum sent me to visit her cousin who had emigrated to Canada. Together with her family and friends she gave me the opportunity to explore the Beautiful British Columbia. This included beautiful lakes, camping, s'mores, my forever favourite chocolate-peanut-butter icecream, renting movies (on VHS cassettes - yes, that's how long ago it's been) and the introduction to the best body-overheat-protection called slurpee or slushie. 

Malaga 2006
Back then I was inbetween jobs and decided to take Spanish classes in Spain. I was all stiff, exhausted, worn, with a somewhat limited view on life. To me, everything had to be organized and under control. Until I met Vera. She showed me how to cut loose, relax, enjoy life and not to think and worry all the time. The result: hanging out at the beach, meeting at Plaza de la Merced for drinks, dancing salsa in clubs, having shots at the bar. In the end, I even postponed my return flight by 3 days, just to get more of the sweet, intoxicating life.

Bali 2019
This time I took a 4-week unpaid vacation. Together with my boyfriend I spent 3 days in Singapore and 12 days on Bali trying to explore as much as possible. Good weather, friendly people, amazing landscapes ... it was perfect. 
I had 10 more days on Bali by myself. Initial doubts that I might be lost quickly dissolved into thin air. I stepped outside, embraced opportunities and whether by destiny or not, I met interesting people (with whom I had hours and hours of good conversations) and finally managed to unwind and feel the wind on my skin ... Winds of change? 

Thanks to everyone who made these moments & memories happen.💋

PS: This list would not be complete if I did not mention the times ...
- With my Peruvian host families in 2004
- At Elkin Creek with Susy and Jodie in 2008
- With my Brazilian host family in 2009